Hammer Toes Are Very Common But Also Misunderstood
Hammer toes are very common but also misunderstood. There are a few types of hammer toes the mild type involves more soft tissue problems, this is where the tendon or the joint is contracted and contributes to the problem. The more severe version involves a true structural deformity which is the bone involvement itself. Secondarily corn formation can occur on the top of the toe, if the corn or hard skin occurs on the end of the toe by the nail this is called a mallet toe. Correction for this is very simple and generally done in the office under a local anesthetic.
Many times hammer toes can be properly padded with over the counter treatments. It is important with these if you're a diabetic we'll have any problems with blood supply to your foot you should never ever use over-the-counter treatments that contain acid to remove the corn this can cause a severe infection and other complications. Using mole skin over the area definitely can help, the things that you may see to ...